Thursday, July 24, 2008

Louisville Bat's Game

I was invited to Slugger Field to throw out the first pitch at the Louisville Bat's game. I had a great time and yes the ball did make it over home plate! I meet tons of new people and lots of Little Princesses! Noa' Sosa had a great time too!


I made an appearance at a new Men's Boutique "MODA" in Louisville's Westport Villages. The crowd was fabulous and very well dressed. It was my kind of party, a shopping party!

Louisville Slugger Facility

Noa'Sosa, Gary and I toured the Louisville Slugger facility. They made me 500 plus personalized bats to distribute. They each have my name, title and platform. They are pretty awesome. I also got the chance to feel and see the different types of bats and select one of them to be blinged out for my Mrs. America costume! I chose a black bat that was decorated by NikC!

State Capitol

I was invited to Frankfort our Capitol on two occasions. I appeared on the Floor for both the House of Representatives and the Senate. I was afforded the opportunity to address both the Senate and the House! It was an amazing experience! Special Thanks to my husband and mother for taxing me all around the Commonwealth!

Louisville Fire Football Game

I was the honorary captain at the Louisville Fire football game and got to execute the coin toss. I had a ball meeting the owners, players, fans and cheerleaders. I enjoyed signing autographs for the kids and the best question I received was where does the Queen live and what do you do all day? You've got to love the kids, they keep you smiling, laughing, thinking and on your toes!

WKRD Radio Interview